What is yorkshire theatre ballet?

We’ve been developing and showcasing talented ballet students for over 12 years.

Yorkshire Theatre Ballet is an exciting and unique performance programme for 7-21 year olds, which provides talented ballet students with the experience of being part of a youth ballet company for a year.

This programme has been running successfully for over 12 years in the Midlands region, and we are incredibly excited to now provide talented Yorkshire-based ballet students with this opportunity.

The programme starts with an audition process, from which students are selected to join the company for the year. Students will take part in weekly ballet classes, which culminates in a theatre week with students taking part in 4 full-length ballet performances.

Full Production Experience

Unlease your ballet potential by taking part in a full-length ballet production.

From the initial audition process, to weekly rehearsals, to theatre week, our students will not only develop their technical ballet ability and performance skills, but they will also benefit from being part of the complete production journey.

All cast members will take part in weekly classes taught by our faculty of experienced dancers and choreographers. All our teaching staff have worked, or are currently still working, within professional ballet or musical theatre companies around the world.

We believe in the art of telling a story through dance. Lavish sets and exquisite costumes all contribute to a truly professional performance and box office successes. Our youth ballets are three act performances, in which we endeavour to give every child their moment to shine!

Complement Your Ballet Training

Having the students on a weekly basis allows us to get to know them as individuals, to see their strengths and weaknesses, and to help them to develop their confidence and performance levels.

Taking weekly ballet classes at a local ballet school is vital for development. We complement these classes with our additional training, whilst also providing students with an opportunity to perform in a full-length ballet production.


The YTB Teachers

More teachers to be announced soon. Please note, the teachers and choreographers are subject to change.

Imogen-Lily Ash

YTB Artistic Director

Rosanna Ely

First Artist with Birmingham Royal Ballet

Yvette Knight

First Soloist with Birmingham Royal Ballet

Shannon Parker

Former Principal Dancer with San Francisco Ballet

Beauty & The Beast 2024/25
Read Our Testimonials

“The whole experience has been fantastic. The opportunity to perform in a full-length ballet under the guidance and tuition of professional dancers has been priceless. Watching her on stage in the performance was delightful, she looked so at ease and well-prepared and was obviously thoroughly enjoying herself. It's given her a renewed love for ballet and the ambition, one day, to dance with a professional company. She has also made so many great friends.”

Gail S.
Parent at Midland Theatre Ballet
Kate S.

“I am so grateful for the incredible experience that I have been able to have with MTB. Every Sunday brought me so much happiness dancing among wonderful friends and being taught by the most amazing teachers. I have so many wonderful memories from MTB that I will never forget and couldn’t be more thankful for."

Clarissa S.

“An absolutely amazing experience! The technique lessons at the start of the course were just as good as any other associates programme that my daughter has done. Learning the repertoire and performing was amazing, and she's made some solid friendships, who I'm sure she'll bump into again. She's already asked if she can audition in the future!"

Sam R.

“Thank you so much for all your time, help advice and encouragement with during this year! I know he really appreciates everything you’ve done for him. He absolutely loved the buzz of being part of show week this year, which, once again showcased your talent, dedication and commitment you have for all the children."

Gail S.

“The whole experience has been fantastic. The opportunity to perform in a full-length ballet under the guidance and tuition of professional dancers has been priceless. Watching her on stage in the performance was delightful, she looked so at ease and well-prepared and was obviously thoroughly enjoying herself. It's given her a renewed love for ballet and the ambition, one day, to dance with a professional company. She has also made so many great friends."

Alexandra W.

“Genuinely I can't thank MTB enough for the amazing opportunity it gives us. The exposure to so many successful people in the dance world is really exciting and helps us grow so much. The support we get is also so wonderful and I feel so happy to come every Sunday. Its always the highlight of my week. Being part of a family like MTB has meant the world to me and I appreciate everyone for being so caring and supportive and amazing"

Lisa P.

“Another wonderful year of improving ballet technique and stage performance. My daughter has had the time of her life and I'm sure she we will be back to carry on her MTB journey in the future!"

Anne S.

“We would like to say a huge thank you for the wonderful MTB experience. The opportunity came during GCSE year but rather than this being a distraction it has helped tremendously to have a ‘non school’ outlet to focus creatively with a hugely supportive group of friends and professionals.  It is easy to see the immense sense of pride through the whole team and the end result was stunning. The professionals lead by example and ensure that everyone taking part is treated fairly, kindly and with respect with an expectation to work hard. This is then emanated throughout the whole team. The level of training received ensures that every dancer has the opportunity to progress in technique and confidence. A truly magical experience. Thank you so much."

Ivy E.

“My daughter had a wonderful time rehearsing and performing with MTB. The sessions were welcoming and friendly and she always came out feeling like she had learnt something. It was great to have so many specialist teachers working with the cast throughout the year. The show week was hard work but an amazing experience! She loved getting her make up done and wearing the costumes and as a spectator it was lovely to see equal stage time for each group to showcase their work. It was a really professional performance and an experience that we won’t forget! My daughter has made so many lovely memories and friends along the way. Thank you MTB for all of your guidance, support and tuition."

Daisy-Mae T.

“An incredible experience I will treasure for a long time! Feel so lucky to have worked with an incredible team and cast. A huge thank you to all the teachers for believing in me."

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